Category: Book Reviews

Book Review – How To Train Your Mind

How to Train Your Mind – Exploring the Productivity Benefits of Meditation by Chris Bailey I just finished listening to this Audible Original. This book takes you on a mini meditation retreat with the author. In this short 3-hour retreat, he reveals in a humorous, practical and tactical way the productivity benefits of meditation; how…

Book Review – Stay Woke

“If you can worry you can meditate.” – Justin Michael Williams Have you ever been curious about meditation or thinking about starting a personal practice? In this book, Justin introduces you to the “Freedom Meditation” technique. He shares personal stories, research findings and provides inspiration. In Part 1, you will be given the 10-step recipe to…

Book Review – Braiding Sweetgrass

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer is a wonderful book filled with beautiful stories that braid together indigenous wisdom with Western science and the author’s personal experiences. Its stories remind us of our interconnectedness with nature, and shows how a disrespectful relationship with the natural world can have devastating effects and tip the balance of…

A Life Worth Breathing

I just finished reading Max Strom’s book, “A Life Worth Breathing”. It is a gem of a book filled with age old wisdom of yoga. Both modern day yogis, yoginis and those who want simply to live a life with more meaning, a life full of love and as the title says it, “a life…