Meditation Mondays, March 6-27, 7:00-8:00pm
Whether you are new to meditation, had a practice and have fallen off your seat or are a regular practitioner, coming together in a group for meditation can feel very powerful and supportive.
Meditation may not always be easy, yet it has too many benefits not to do it. It positively affects your health, relationships and tasks.
If you think you don’t have the time to meditate, would you change your mind if you knew that for every minute you meditate you can gain back 9 minutes of your day. More importantly, by meditating regularly, you will experience greater happiness and improve the quality of your life experiences!!
I hope that you will join me for the 30-day Meditation Challenge which runs from Monday, March 6 to Tuesday, April 4. For four weeks, we come together virtually on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:00pm, March 6, 13, 20, 27. The rest of the time you are left to meditate on your own schedule.
If you have any questions and to register contact me@deborahnordstrom.ca
Cost: $60 or sign up with a friend and you both receive $5 off.