Self-care Sunday – November 28

Daily Morning Routine (Dynacharia) for Wellness

Our daily routines and habits are integral to our physical well-being and emotional and mental resilience. Join me for this class as I share with you my daily morning ritual to welcome in the new day and set up a strong foundation for your day before all of its busy-ness.

Come prepared to connect and bring harmony to the mind, body and breath. We start with a seated meditation followed by mantra meditation. No worries, no previous meditation experience is required! Then we begin with some gentle movements to wake-up the joints in the body from the ground up – connecting with ground and sky! The mind will be calm to face the day and the body ready for a more active yoga practice and/or other daily activities! For this class we will move into a gentle flow/restorative practice to help us feel grounded.

What you will need: a yoga mat or blanket, meditation cushion or pillow or chair and mala (if you have one/though not required), yoga blocks or anything else that will support you.

 Date: Sunday, November 28

Time: 2:00-3:15pm

Fee: $20

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